Yoshimi Pelczarski Family Counselor, Therapist, Social Worker

It all started when…

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” -Thoreau

This was the mantra I carried around during my many transitions. Once a thriving sales and marketing executive in a highly demanding corporation, I successfully managed to transform my career and life. I cannot say the journey was easy, but it was definitely worthwhile. Becoming a helping professional allows me to live each and every day according to my values and intentions. Every transition came with an opportunity to conquer my fear and self-doubt. The wisdom I collected throughout my own journey, combined with my extensive professional experience and training, serve my clients through their journey. I feel so joyful when my clients rediscover themselves and are excited about living their lives again.

Helping families in conflict is very important and personal for me. I am a product of high conflict divorced parents. My parents divorced when I was eight years old after several years of a volatile relationship. Even after the custodial matter was settled, they remained in high conflict and were not able to co-parent. I am sure that my parents didn't intend to harm their children, but their inability to effectively co-parent had devastating, long-lasting consequences. I always thought there should be a better way and often felt frustrated that nobody was there to help my parents do better.  Little did I know how I would be part of a solution to the problem so many years later. 

 This work is my passion and calling. I am thankful for my clients that allow me to be a part of their journey. 

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